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Thursday 5 December 2019

Retro Console of the Month - December

Today I am going to talk about a console that almost was, but never released to the public. In honor of the PlayStation's 25th Anniversary, I thought it would be appropriate to talk about the console that started it all, the Nintendo PlayStation.
Image result for nintendo playstation

Cast your mind back to 1988. Sweet Child O' Mine was released by Guns 'N' Roses, Beetlejuice was released in cinemas and VHS tapes were still being used everyday. Sony had signed a deal with Nintendo to develop a CD-ROM add on for the SNES to move them away from the use of cartridges. Both companies wanted to develop a new age for games consoles, and using CDs was going to put them on the up and up. But why did this console not come to be?

One of the reasons was money. There was a dispute between Sony and Nintendo on how much money each company would get. Sony wanted to keep all of the profits made from the CD licenses, but Nintendo disagreed with this.

Another reason (which is speculated) is that Sony wanted to work with 32-bit processors and create 3D games, but Nintendo were less impressed with this idea and wanted to stick with the 16-bit processors.

By 1992, everything had fallen apart between Sony and Nintendo. When showcasing the console in 1991, Sony were left in the dark about Nintendo collaborating with Philips (the DVD player company) to continue pursuing the SNES CD-ROM. Sony and Nintendo parted ways starting the rivalry between them. Sony went on to release the PlayStation in 1994, with Nintendo following in suit with the N64 in 1996.

What happened to the prototypes made? Well for all we know, 200 prototypes were made. One of them was found in 2015, and shown to be fully working. But they do go for £89,000! (About $100,099.99).

What do you think of this retro console? Would it have been a success if released or an utter failure like the Sega Dreamcast (shudders)? Leave your thoughts below!

So until next time,
Peace Out - Geekette

Wednesday 4 December 2019

Game of the Week - 04/12/2019

GAME OF THE WEEK - 04/12/2019

Hey all and welcome back to another blog post! This week's game of the week is the new Luigi's Mansion game that was released on the Nintendo Switch on October 31. Let's dive right into it!

Image result for luigi's mansion 3
Luigi's Mansion is a game series developed by Nintendo that was originally going to be released by on the N64, but was delayed and eventually released on the GameCube in 2001. It spawned a sequel that was released on the 3DS in 2013. The general concept of this game is that Luigi wins something in a competition he never remembers entering (in the first game it was a mansion, in the latest release it is a holiday in a hotel), and Luigi being Luigi goes and accepts the prize.

The latest game follows Luigi, Mario, Peach, and the toads as they go on a holiday to a nice, luxurious hotel, or so they thought! I won't give to much away but the main game is about Luigi fighting some ghosts with the infamous Poltergust and help from a familiar face, Professor E. Gad.

I brought this game on day 1 release and haven' stopped playing it since. I love the concept of the game and the fact that they have so many familiar faces returning such as Professor E. Gad and of course, the Polterpup!

Have you played this game? What are your thoughts on the latest addition to the Luigi's mansion family? Leave a comment below!

So until next time,
Peace Out - Geekette

Tuesday 3 December 2019

Retro Game of the Week - 03/12/2019

Hey all,

I'm back with a new post and it happens to be the time for Retro Game of the Week! This week's game is the PS1 classic, Gran Turismo.

I decided to review this game as it is one of my favorites and it happens to be the 25th Anniversary of the PlayStation being released!

Image result for gran turismo ps1

Gran Turismo is a driving game that was released on the PlayStation in 1997, but it did take 5 years to complete! The game featured a simulation mode where the player had to qualify to complete in different events with their licenses and the categories. There is also an Arcade Mode where the player could select from a number of cars and tracks. My personal favorite choice is the New Dodge Viper.

I have fond memories of playing this game when I was younger and it was one of the very first games I had played (even though I was never very good at it!).

That concludes today's post on the Retro Game of the Week. I hope you enjoyed it and stay tuned for the next post!

So until next time,
Peace Out - Geekette

Monday 14 October 2019

Retro Game of the Week - 14/10/2019

This week's blog post kicks off with a blast from the past, Sonic the Hedgehog!
Sonic the Hedgehog 1 Genesis box art.jpg
This loveable game was released in 1991 for the Sega Mega Drive (if you are from the U.K.) or as the console was known in the States, the Sega Genesis. The main character of this game is a blue hedgehog called Sonic, and you as the player have to run around the different levels collecting gold rings. Simple yes? There is also an antagonist called Doctor Robotnik who tries to stop Sonic at the end of every level.

The game itself was one of the most played games on the Mega Drive, receiving a lot of attention from critics who loved the game itself and it was also one of the best selling games for the Mega Drive.

Personally, I do find this game a little bit challenging as I cannot seem to get past the Green Hill Zone 1. Nevertheless, it does not stop me from trying every time I play this game and I love it.

Anyway, that's all from me today.
So until next time,
Peace Out - Geekette

Wednesday 2 October 2019

Mario Kart Double Dash Gameplay!

Hey all,

So I know I haven't done a Harry Potter gameplay video in a long time and I'll admit I'm stuck on one of the levels at the moment. So as soon as that's completed, it'll be uploaded. But in the meantime, enjoy myself failing horribly at Mario Kart (or so I thought!). Enjoy :)

So until next time,
Peace Out - Geekette

Monday 30 September 2019

Retro Game of the Week - 30/09/2019

Retro Game of the week is back! And this week we have a personal favourite of mine which is Space Invaders! So, let's delve into the history of this magnificent game.
A promotional flyer for Space Invaders: an arcade display on the bottom-right corner is shown over a laser cannon surrounded by aliens and saucers; the background contains the screen against a background of a canyon and a block mountain; the Space Invaders and Taito logos are displayed on the top of the poster.
Space Invaders was originally released as an arcade game produced by Midway in 1978. Since its original release, the game has been ported over to the Atari and then recreated many years later for consoles like the PS1. 

The aim of this game is very simple, it is to shoot down enemy ships and aliens. This game has been recreated so many times, and can even be played online using flash. This game has changed over time to keep up with the ever changing graphics and consoles. 

One of these sequels/changes is the Space Invaders game released in 1999 which was released on the PC, N64, and PS. This title had an impact via the changes as it had included 3D graphics, which no other arcade game had really done before. It also had some decisions made by designers that would upgrade the game such as putting a picture in the background and not having the defenses which were iconic for the game.

Nonetheless, Space Invaders still one of my favourite games to this day, as I have grown up playing it. I do like seeing all the different variations to the game, as it makes me think what other people have come up with in return with their own ideas.

So until next time,
Peace Out - Geekette

Saturday 31 August 2019

History of Second Generation Consoles

After a mini hiatus, the Geekette is back with another blog post. Sorry for the delay guys, I've had a lot going on recently and not a lot of time to blog! But I am back for good now, so stay tuned for our regular updates! This weekend, we're kicking things off with the History of Second Generation Consoles.

The Second Generation of consoles sees some of the biggest consoles in Video Game history. This generation ranges from 1976 to 1982. There were a few notable systems released in this year, along with some handheld systems. The first of these systems is the Fairchild Channel F. This was released in November 1976 and was a first for video game consoles. This was the first console to introduce cartridge's as the game's storage and it also came with a pause button, which allowed the player to pause their game without losing their save.

Moving on from a little known games console to a more well known console is the Atari 2600 & Atari 5200. The Atari 2600 was released in 1977 and it came with 9 games designed and released in time for the Christmas Season. The Atari 2600 sold over 30 million units over its lifetime and was eventually discontinued in 1992, with the best selling game being Pac-Man. The Atari had an advantage over the other consoles, with Atari being the only company to have the rights to most arcade games. Atari decided to then release the 5200 in 1982, following the success of the 2600, but due to poor sales and lack of games, it was discontinued in 1984.

In 1977/1978, the Bally Astrocade was released by the videogame department of Midway in Bally. This console was mainly sold in computer stores and in 1981, it was sold to Astrovision, who renamed the console. It continued to be sold until 1983, when the video game crash happened.

In this generation, there are other consoles released within this generation such as the Magnavox Odyssey (released 1978), Intellivision (1980), and the Vectrex (1982).

Also in this generation came the introduction of handheld consoles. One of the handheld consoles released was by a small firm called Nintendo and it was called the Nintendo Game and Watch. The Game and Watch was first released in 1980 and comprised of 60 handheld systems, each with their own game on at release. One of these games was Donkey Kong and it featured DK himself, Mario, and Peach.

That's all for now, but stay tuned for next time where we will have more posts with our usual reviews and history posts.

So until next time,

Peace Out - Geekette

Tuesday 11 June 2019

E3 - Bethesda Conference - My Thoughts

So, before today's conferences (or tonight's if, like me, you live in the UK and are watching the live streams), I decided to catch up on the conferences that I missed, starting off with the Bethesda Conference. This streamed at 2am on Monday morning, so I'm a day late watching it (oh well, I had work the next day).

Bethesda are a games company based in Maryland, USA. They are well known for games such as Elder Scrolls and DOOM. I saw a lot of things that interested me, so here are a list of things that I am excited for after watching their conference coverage.

1) Elder Scrolls: Blade on the Nintendo Switch
For those of you that don't know what Elder Scrolls: Blade is, it is a free-to-play game that is available on iOS and Android systems at the moment. The good thing is that if you have the mobile game, the data from that is easily transferable to the switch!

2) Elder Scrolls: Blade - Dragon quest expansion
This was also announced with the ability to play it from Monday. This was a free update that would run for an entire year. This just sounds amazing, and who doesn't love a good dragon story game quest?

3) Wolfenstein: Young Blood announcement
Wolfenstein is a first-person shooter game that is set during an alternative World War II with the Nazis and zombies. Wolfenstein: Young Blood is about BJ's (main character from the first game) daughters trying to find him in Paris. It is a multiplayer co-op game that looks brilliant, as I can play with friends.

Bethesda also announced some other new games, such as an expansion to Fallout 76, with the ability to play it for free for a certain length of time, and DOOM: Eternal.

That sums up my thoughts on Bethesda's conference. Stay tuned for my thoughts on the PC Gaming Show conference!

So until next time,
Peace Out - Geekette

Monday 10 June 2019

E3 - Xbox Conference - My Thoughts

So this year, I decided to watch the live streams of E3 and I started with the Xbox Conference. This conference was pretty cool as I am a huge Xbox fan. Here are a few of my favourite parts from the livestream:

1) Project Scarlett announcement
Project Scarlett was predicted. Sort of. We had already heard the announcement of the PS5 by Sony, who unfortunately were not at E3 this year. Everyone thought that once the PS5 had been announced, Microsoft would be announcing something as well. And they were right.

Project Scarlett was said to be releasing in Christmas 2020 (I'll sit here and wait) and to have more power than the Xbox One X. It is also said to run of an SSD. Interesting much.

2) Halo Infinite
I am a huge Halo fan. So seeing the teaser for this game got me pretty excited. Halo Infinite is the title game that is going to be released with Project Scarlett in 2020. Halo Infinite takes on from Halo 5: Guardians and the game will also be released on PCs.

Hopefully, this game will be quite good, as I have always played and loved the Halo games.

3) Forza Horizon 4 - Lego Speed DLC
This DLC announcement was amazing. They brought onto the stage a Lego supercar of some form. The trailer for the DLC included the song, 'Everything is Awesome' from the Lego movie. The DLC allows you to have a master builder house and even a Lego Ferrari!

4) Lego Star Wars - The Skywalker Saga
I screamed when I saw that this game was being released. I have been a fan of the Lego games ever since I was little, with Lego Star Wars - The Videogame on PS2 being the first Lego game I remember playing.

This new game is based on all 9 of the Star Wars movies (in the Skywalker Saga - not including Rogue One or Solo). The cutscenes look promising, with no talking (although I do like the talking in the later Lego games) and Darth Vader trying to give Luke his own hand.

5) The Outer Worlds & Cyberpunk 2077
The Outer Worlds is a cool sci-fi looking game whose story is up to you. The main character is awaken from a deep cryposleep and discovers that huge mega corporations are out to destroy the alien lands that you are exploring. It is a mix of action, sci-fi and comedy,

The other game that caught my eye was Cyberpunk 2077. This game I have seen for ages and I have always liked the look of. It also has a sci-fi aspect to it. The main character is called V, a character that you alter, and they are a mercenary in the fictional Night City, California. 

To be honest, all of these games look amazing and I cannot wait to play them. Stay tuned for my take on the Bethesda Conference that happened afterwards.

So until next time,
Peace Out - Geekette

Saturday 18 May 2019

Why I love... The Nintendo DS

Another new segment, a day late (sorry blogger stopped working on my phone), and it's called Why I Love, with something that I love being different each time. This time we are starting with the Nintendo DS.

1) It was my first console
This is my very first console that I owned, and because it was a handheld, I took it everywhere with me. It was also the first console I brought and I still love it to this day.

2) The games
The games on the DS are amazing. They all have a place in my heart, like Mario Kart DS and Animal Crossing. Again, I fondly remember playing these games on my DS at the age of 7 (ish).

3) GameBoy backwards compatibility
This reason is a bit weird because it doesn't fit the persona of the DS. I never had a GameBoy (until the age of 16) because I was too young when they came out. However, GameStation (a video game store in the UK that was replaced by GAME) use to sell old GameBoy games for cheap, and since the DS could play them, I use to buy them.

4) PictoChat
This was gold when I was in primary school. Everyone use to join a group chat and send each other drawings and messages containing random things. Those were the days.

So those are the reasons why I love the Nintendo DS.

So until next time,
Peace Out - Geekette

Wednesday 15 May 2019

What's in My Collection?... Harry Potter Games (2001-2019)

This week's blog post is a NEW segment called, What's in My Collection? Every week (or so), I will pick a series or console to cover a group of titles. This week we are starting with... Harry Potter! In my collection, I have a whopping 18 Harry Potter video games!

The first game released in this series was the Philosopher's Stone. It was released for the PC and PlayStation in 2001, followed by the PlayStation 2 in 2003. This game followed the player playing Harry as he ventured through Hogwarts following the events of the first game/book.

Geekette's Thoughts: Personally, I loved playing the PS2 version of the game, as the PS1 version creeped me out as a kid, although the Devil's Snare level was rather difficult.

This was followed by by Chamber of Secrets. It was released on the GameBoy, PS1, PS2, and PC in 2002. This game allows you to play as Harry during the events of the second film/book, with a Basilisk on the loose.

Geekette's Thoughts: I loved playing the Chamber of Secrets, as it was one of the first games I ever brought. Again, I did struggle with one level in particular and that was the Aragog boss level. I could never complete it, so I did end up leaving it for more than 10 years before attempting it again and beating the level.

The next game in my collection that was released was Quidditch World Cup. This game was released in 2003 and was a bit different from the others, as you are either playing as a Hogwarts Quidditch player or an international Quidditch player in various matches.

Geekette's Thoughts: I have yet to play this game, being honest. Mainly because I haven't got a working PS2 at the moment (due to sort that out). I do struggle with the Quidditch Levels on the other games, so this will be a challenge.

Moving on, we have my copy of Prisoner of Azkaban. This game was released on the PS2 in 2004, and it added a new feature. You could play as Harry, Ron or Hermione! Each of these characters each had their own unique spells to use.

Geekette's Thoughts: This is another one of my childhood games that I thoroughly enjoyed playing. It even had another feature that was super cool, an eye toy play feature!

Next, I have the Goblet of Fire on PS2 and GBA, which was released in 2005. It was different to all of the other games due to the fact that it didn't have the Hogwarts exploration unlike the other games.

Geekette's Thoughts: Again, this is another one of my early childhood games that I loved playing, although I have never completed the game itself. I will one day though.

Joining my other games, I have one of my personal favourite games in my collection and that is... Order of the Phoenix, released in 2007 for the Xbox 360! This is one of my favourites because it has a huge open world Hogwarts Castle that you can explore, which makes the game even more enjoyable.

Geekette's Thoughts: This is my favourite game in the series, as I said above, it has a huge exploration aspect to the game. I use to own the game on DS many years ago and I fondly remember playing this game at my Grandparents house.

Breaking the chain, the next game in my collection is Lego Harry Potter Years 1-4, which I owned on the Wii and Xbox 360. This game was awesome because I remember always playing the Lego games growing up. This game lets you play as any Harry Potter character from the first 4 films in Lego form.

Geekette's Thoughts: This game was another one of my favourites, as it combines two things I love together, Harry Potter and Lego. The game was enjoyable for all ages and keeps everyone entertained.

The last game in the main series I own is Deathly Hallows Part 2. This game is mainly a battle game, as you are mainly going around Hogwarts shooting Death Eaters. It was released in 2011 for the Xbox 360.

Geekette's Thoughts: I personally do not find this game as one of my favourites. This is because it is a bit too much like Call of Duty. Other than that, it did have a good plot to it and it does keep people playing again, and it was one of the first games I managed to complete.

Next, we have Lego Harry Potter Years 5-7. This game was released in 2011, and just like it's predecessor, Lego Harry Potter allowed you to play as any character from the fifth to the eight film.

Geekette's Thoughts: Again, I do love this game and I did manage to complete this on my Xbox 360. My favourite character was probably Umbridge, being perfectly honest.

Second to last is... Harry Potter for Kinect. This was an Xbox 360 exclusive game for the Xbox Kinect (similar to the PlayStation's EyeToy). In this game, you can either create your own character or play as Harry and play through the eight films utilizing the Kinect.

Geekette's Thoughts: This game was a fun game to play, but hard work. This is because it involved a lot of moving around and patience. I have been stuck on the 2nd Task of the 4th film challenge for a long time now.

Lastly, I do have the Lego Harry Potter Collection on the Xbox One. This game is amazing. It is basically a remastered version of the two Lego Harry Potter games that were released on the Xbox 360. This game was released in 2018.

Geekette's Thoughts: This game is amazing! I was waiting forever for Microsoft to announce the Lego Harry Potter games to be released for backwards compatibility, but they instead came out with this. This is my current game that I am playing and I love it to bits.

That wraps it up for today's blog post. I hope that you like this new segment and let me know what you think. Join us next time for our regular post about all things games.

So until next time,

Peace Out - Geekette

Tuesday 26 March 2019

Retro Game of the Week - 26/03/2019

This week's retro game of the week goes to a personal childhood favourite of mine, Scooby Doo Mystery Mayhem.

This game was released in the years of 2003/2004 for the Gameboy Advanced, PS2, GameCube, and Xbox. The aim of this game was to control Shaggy and Scooby through different levels, as they try to return ghosts, zombies, and other monsters to the Tome of Doom. Along the way they would put on various disguises to hide themselves, until they find the page they need.

Been a little kid and playing this game, some of the controls were extremely hard. For example, if you were trying to capture a ghost or other monster, you would have to press the buttons on the controller in a particular order. This was frustrating when I was younger, as I struggled immensely to complete this. My favourite part, however, was the ghost disguises Shaggy and Scooby wore in the first level, as for some reason, I found this the most entertaining.

That sums up this short, but sweet segment for my blog. Stay tuned for more exciting posts coming your way!

So until next time,
Peace Out - Geekette

Thursday 21 March 2019

Game Soundtrack of the Week - 21/03/2019


This week's game soundtrack is the one and only Crash Bandicoot on the PS1.

This soundtrack is one of my personal favourites as it is so catchy and it contains some of the best sound effects. Give this soundtrack a listen if you get a chance.

So until next time,
Peace Out - Geekette

Monday 18 March 2019

Hogwarts Mystery -Year 1 Chapter 2

Here's Chapter 2 of Year 1's walkthrough. Enjoy!:

Peace Out - Geekette

Hogwarts Mystery: Year 1 Chapter 1 - Gameplay

I know I've already done a blogpost on Hogwarts Mystery with the first three chapters completed as a walkthrough, but this is the first of them that's on YouTube, so check it out and while you're there like and subscribe!:

Peace Out - Geekette

Geekette's Top 5... Nintendo DS Games

Hey again and I'm trying something new this week, which is a top 5 list. This list will vary depending on what it is based on and this week, it is a top 5 of my personal favourite Nintendo DS games, so let's jump into it.

5) Mario Party DS

What better way to start of a top 5 then including a Mario game. Growing up, I had a DS and this is one of the games I remember playing, as I was a Mario fan. We also had Mario Party on the Wii, so this was a perfect fit. There were different modes that you could play, including a story mode. This story mode, I remember being incredibly hard and struggling a lot.

4) Enchanted Folk and the School of Wizardry

This is another game that I loved playing as a kid. I did have things like Animal Crossing, but being a huge Harry Potter fan, this game was right up my alley. Enchanted Folk was like Animal Crossing, but set in a world where you went to a School of Wizardry (not Hogwarts Sadly) and learnt magical spells to use in the world. This was one of my favourite games ever made.

3) Professor Layton and the Curious Village

For everyone who plays Detective Pikachu on the 3DS, this could be one of the games that inspired it. Professor Layton was one of the very first DS games I got, so is always one of my favourites. You go around this village trying to solve the mystery behind it. You are tasked with solving a lot of puzzles, most of which I still struggle with today.

2) Mario Kart DS

Similar lists I have seen have put Mario Kart at the top spot, and you may be thinking along the lines of Geekette how could you?! But Mario Kart has won second place this time. This was another one of my first games on my DS that I owned, so it does hold a place in my heart and brings back some good memories (being sat in our class at the end of term with our DSs racing each other). Mario Kart is your generic race game with everyone's favourite characters going on various circuits set in the Mario world. My personal favourite was Bowser in his orange cart.

1) Lego Harry Potter Years 1-4

My top spot is awarded to... Lego Harry Potter Years 1-4 (10 points to Hufflepuff)! Being a huge Harry Potter fan and Lego fan, this game was my dream come true. I love the Lego games, but this one gives me a happiness feeling when I play it and I feel like I'm 10 again. Lego Harry Potter is based on the first four years of Harry attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, but in Lego form. This game is filled with lots of small and cute cutscenes to make anyone smile.

There we have it, my personal top 5 Nintendo DS games. What are your guys favourite games? Any similar or some that I may have missed? Let me know!

So until next time,
Peace Out - Geekette

Wednesday 27 February 2019

Game Development Update - 27/02/2019

It's that time again where I become more active with my blog. I have been quiet recently due to work and a project that I have been working on. It is now time to reveal what this project is... A HARRY POTTER RPG!

I have been a huge Harry Potter fan since I was 2, and I grew up reading the books, watching the films, and playing the games. That is when this idea came to me. Why not have a huge Harry Potter RPG based on all 7 books. That is when I set myself a challenge to build said game. So in my spare time, I have installed Unreal Engine 4 and given myself the challenge to build the game. About 2-3 months in, this is what I have:

It may be a bit hard to make out what the pictures are, but I'll explain them. The top picture is of Privet Drive at night where the game will start with a cutscene of Harry's arrival. I'm still attempting to establish the shots for the cutscene, but it is a working progress.

The second image is that of the zoo Harry visits for Dudley's birthday. This is still a working progress with many more enclosures and buildings to be appearing. This will be the first level that the player will be able to wander around in.

I have built all of the buildings myself, along with the road for Privet Drive and the enclosures for the zoo, with the exception of using some of the starter content Unreal provide.

That does it for today's blog post, hope you liked it with something a bit different, and leave your thoughts on the game and what you would like to see.

So until next time,
Peace Out - Geekette

Sunday 3 February 2019

History of First Generation Consoles

I’m back for the new year with a whole load of new plans for posts. To kick start stuff off, we will be talking about first generation consoles. These consoles first came into play in 1972. 
The idea for a home console first came into play when a television engineer, called Ralph Baer was developing the ‘Brown Box’. This was basically his idea of creating an interactive television when he was creating a TV set. Baer created a two-player game, that was simple called Chase. This is a game where two dots chased each other around a screen. After the company director of R&D saw this, he gave the project a green light. In 1967, Bill Harrison was brought into the project and a light gun was constructed (from a toy rifle) that was aimed at a target moved by another player.
Bill Rusch joined the project, and the three soon created a Ping Pong game. Baer wanted to promote the console and sell it, so he went to various U.S. Television Manufacturers about selling the project. All but one turned the project down, and Magnavox eventually signed the deal in 1969. Magnavox altered a lot of different things to the Brown Box and eventually released the console in 1972 as the Magnavox Odyssey. 
The Odyssey is a digital console, and like all consoles up to the sixth generation, it uses analog circuitry for the output to match the TVs of the era. It also uses analog controllers. This is the main reason why many people thought the Odyssey console is a analog console. This is false, as it uses digital consoles.
This is also the first involvement of Nintendo in Video Games, as they had just begun their market research for home consoles, as they were still in the toy market. They did have an alliance with Magnavox to develop and produce guns that would work with consoles, (gun controllers) for the Odyssey mainly.
The Odyssey was not as successful as they hoped, however, companies with similar products such as Atari, had to pay a licensing fee for some time. This is where they had a strong point in them.
In 1975, Epoch released Japan’s first console called the TV Tennis Electrotennis, which is their version of Pong. With the widespread popularity of Pong, it sparked many clones. Japan’s most successful console was the Nintendo Color-TV, which sold 3 million units and was the most successful first generation console.
That sums up today’s history of. Join us next time for the history of second generation consoles.
So until next time,
Peace Out - Geekette