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Tuesday 11 June 2019

E3 - Bethesda Conference - My Thoughts

So, before today's conferences (or tonight's if, like me, you live in the UK and are watching the live streams), I decided to catch up on the conferences that I missed, starting off with the Bethesda Conference. This streamed at 2am on Monday morning, so I'm a day late watching it (oh well, I had work the next day).

Bethesda are a games company based in Maryland, USA. They are well known for games such as Elder Scrolls and DOOM. I saw a lot of things that interested me, so here are a list of things that I am excited for after watching their conference coverage.

1) Elder Scrolls: Blade on the Nintendo Switch
For those of you that don't know what Elder Scrolls: Blade is, it is a free-to-play game that is available on iOS and Android systems at the moment. The good thing is that if you have the mobile game, the data from that is easily transferable to the switch!

2) Elder Scrolls: Blade - Dragon quest expansion
This was also announced with the ability to play it from Monday. This was a free update that would run for an entire year. This just sounds amazing, and who doesn't love a good dragon story game quest?

3) Wolfenstein: Young Blood announcement
Wolfenstein is a first-person shooter game that is set during an alternative World War II with the Nazis and zombies. Wolfenstein: Young Blood is about BJ's (main character from the first game) daughters trying to find him in Paris. It is a multiplayer co-op game that looks brilliant, as I can play with friends.

Bethesda also announced some other new games, such as an expansion to Fallout 76, with the ability to play it for free for a certain length of time, and DOOM: Eternal.

That sums up my thoughts on Bethesda's conference. Stay tuned for my thoughts on the PC Gaming Show conference!

So until next time,
Peace Out - Geekette

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