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Saturday 18 May 2019

Why I love... The Nintendo DS

Another new segment, a day late (sorry blogger stopped working on my phone), and it's called Why I Love, with something that I love being different each time. This time we are starting with the Nintendo DS.

1) It was my first console
This is my very first console that I owned, and because it was a handheld, I took it everywhere with me. It was also the first console I brought and I still love it to this day.

2) The games
The games on the DS are amazing. They all have a place in my heart, like Mario Kart DS and Animal Crossing. Again, I fondly remember playing these games on my DS at the age of 7 (ish).

3) GameBoy backwards compatibility
This reason is a bit weird because it doesn't fit the persona of the DS. I never had a GameBoy (until the age of 16) because I was too young when they came out. However, GameStation (a video game store in the UK that was replaced by GAME) use to sell old GameBoy games for cheap, and since the DS could play them, I use to buy them.

4) PictoChat
This was gold when I was in primary school. Everyone use to join a group chat and send each other drawings and messages containing random things. Those were the days.

So those are the reasons why I love the Nintendo DS.

So until next time,
Peace Out - Geekette

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