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Wednesday 27 February 2019

Game Development Update - 27/02/2019

It's that time again where I become more active with my blog. I have been quiet recently due to work and a project that I have been working on. It is now time to reveal what this project is... A HARRY POTTER RPG!

I have been a huge Harry Potter fan since I was 2, and I grew up reading the books, watching the films, and playing the games. That is when this idea came to me. Why not have a huge Harry Potter RPG based on all 7 books. That is when I set myself a challenge to build said game. So in my spare time, I have installed Unreal Engine 4 and given myself the challenge to build the game. About 2-3 months in, this is what I have:

It may be a bit hard to make out what the pictures are, but I'll explain them. The top picture is of Privet Drive at night where the game will start with a cutscene of Harry's arrival. I'm still attempting to establish the shots for the cutscene, but it is a working progress.

The second image is that of the zoo Harry visits for Dudley's birthday. This is still a working progress with many more enclosures and buildings to be appearing. This will be the first level that the player will be able to wander around in.

I have built all of the buildings myself, along with the road for Privet Drive and the enclosures for the zoo, with the exception of using some of the starter content Unreal provide.

That does it for today's blog post, hope you liked it with something a bit different, and leave your thoughts on the game and what you would like to see.

So until next time,
Peace Out - Geekette

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