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Wednesday 26 February 2020

Game of the Week - 26/02/2020

GAME OF THE WEEK - 26/02/2020
This week's game of the week is Smash Bros. Ultimate for the Nintendo Switch. So let's a go (as Mario would say!)
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.jpg
Smash Bros. Ultimate was released for the Nintendo Switch in 2018. This game is a beat-'em up game which features a lot of Nintendo characters and different stages, such as Deflino Plaza, and my personal favourite, Saffron City.

There is a whole host of characters that are available that the players can play and also purchase as DLCs such as Banjo and Kazooie, but there are plenty of existing characters as well such as Mario (of course), Pac Man, Kirby and Link. This game is a good example of how DLCs are used to give players more variety in the games that they play.

Geekette's Thoughts: I love playing Smash Bros. Ultimate as it is a good party game that everyone can get involved in playing. Myself and my university friends have spent countless hours sat playing this game in the student bar or before classes have become. Before university, I had never played a Smash Bros. game before, as I have never really been that good at beat-'em up games.

That's all for today, so until next time.

Peace Out,

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