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Sunday 3 June 2018

Hogwarts Mystery Walkthrough - Year 1, Chapter 2 - Welcome to Hogwarts

Hogwarts Mystery Walkthrough - Year 1, Chapter 2 - Welcome to Hogwarts
We are continuing our very own Hogwarts adventure today and we are picking up from where we left off. Ending Chapter 1.

Chapter 2 starts in a very similar manner to Chapter 1 and all of the other chapters that you will play on this game.
 It will then cut to a cutscene which will show the Hogwarts Express leaving and going through greenery.
This is the load screen to show that you are moving between worlds now.
You will then arrive in the Entrance Hall of Hogwarts where you will be told to gather in the Great Hall.
Tap on the Great Hall to enter.
Tap to start the Sorting.
Professor McGonagall: Welcome to Hogwarts. Before the Welcoming Feast, we must sort all first year students into their proper houses.
Professor McGonagall: The Sorting Ceremony is very important.
Professor McGonagall: While you are here, your house will be something like your family within Hogwarts.
Professor McGonagall: The four houses are called Gryffindor, the brave and chivalrous.
Professor McGonagall: Hufflepuff, the kind and diligent.
Professor McGonagall: Ravenclaw, the witty and wise.
Professor McGonagall: And Slytherin, the cunning and ambitious.
Professor McGonagall: Each house has its own noble history, and each produced outstanding witches and wizards.
Professor McGonagall: I hope you will be fine additions to their ranks.
Professor McGonagall:...and now for...
Professor McGonagall: (surname, first name)!
Sorting Hat: Hmm... Very interesting. I haven't seen one like this in a long time.
Sorting Hat: And what house are you hoping for, hm?
(I chose Hufflepuff by the way)
Sorting Hat: Ah, yes. I understand now.
Sorting Hat: Best make it...
Sorting Hat: (Chosen House)!
OC: A (chosen house)! I can't believe it. I can't believe I'm really at Hogwarts!
OC: I'd better sit down. The Headmaster is about to speak...
Tap on Dumbledore to begin his speech.
Professor Dumbledore: Welcome! Welcome to another year at Hogwarts.
Professor Dumbledore: The past few years have seen a great weight lifted from our world.
Professor Dumbledore: The Boy Who Lived, Harry Potter, is safe. Years from now, young Harry will be old enough to attend Hogwarts...
Professor Dumbledore: But for now, it's your turn!
Professor Dumbledore: Remember, while your at Hogwarts, your triumphs will earn you House Points, while rule-breaking will lose you House Points.
Professor Dumbledore: At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the House Cup, a great honour.
Professor Dumbledore: I hope each of you will be a credit to your house.
Head of House: The feast has ended. (House), please proceed to the (house) Common Room
This is the Hufflepuff Common Room entrance. Located in the Dungeons (same level as the Slytherin Common Room). You can find the Ravenclaw and Gryffindor Common Rooms in the West Towers.

Tap on Rowan in the House Common Room to talk to her.
Rowan: It's fantastic to see you again, (name). I'm so glad we both got put in (house).
Rowan: Would you like to hear an exhaustive history of  our house, including a comprehensive biography of our house's founder?
OC: For now, let's just take it all in...
Rowan: It's incredible, isn't it? Even better than I imagined... 
OC: I was thinking the exact same thing. It's so cosy!
Third-year Boy: I can't believe they let you in here after your brother got expelled and ruined (house)'s reputation. 
Rowan: (name) will be an outstanding (house). I'm assuming you aren't, since you spend your time bullying first-years. 
Third-year Boy: Whatever. I'll be keeping an eye on both of you
Rowan: Sorry. I know you asked me to follow your lead in Diagon Alley but I can't let anyone talk to my friend like that.
OC: Thanks Rowan. Something tells me that won't be the last time someone brings up my brother.
OC: Have you had the chance to look at your timetable?
Rowan: Yes! Can you believe it? Herbology with Professor Sprout, Transfiguration with Professor McGonagall...
(I picked Potions Class)
OC: I'm excited by the challenge of Potions. They say if you can survive Professor Snape's class, you can survive anything.
Rowan: But what if you don't survive? I'm personally looking forward to Charms Class.  
Rowan: Luckily, we have Charms with Professor Flitwick first thing tomorrow! See you there, (name)!
Now Lumos is ready for us to learn. Charms Class is located in the West Towers.
Tap on the door to enter the classroom.

You will see a nice cinematic before getting the option to tap on Flitwick.
OC: Pleased to meet you Professor Flitwick. I'm really looking forward to Charms.
Professor Flitwick: You're Mr/Miss (Surname). If you are anything like your brother, you will do just fine. He was one of my most skilled students.
Professor Flitwick: That being said, he was one of my most rebellious students...
(I opted for following the rules - I'm too good)
OC: I'm only here to learn, Professor. I don't want to start any trouble.
Professor Flitwick: Very well, Mr/Miss (Surname). Please have a seat. Class is about to begin.
Professor Flitwick: Welcome to your very first Charms class at Hogwarts. I will be your instructor, Professor Flitwick.
Professor Flitwick: Please pay close attention to the instructions, and take great care practising the spells you learn.
Professor Flitwick: Today we will be learning a very important spell known as the Wand-Lighting Charm.
Professor Flitwick: The charm is useful in dark places, whether you are searching a shadowy room for hidden dangers...
Professor Flitwick: Or trying to find a scroll that rolled under the sofa.
Professor Flitwick: Lumos!
Tap on Flitwick to begin the class.
The stars show you how many you need in order to successfully complete the class. For Lumos, you need 2 stars to pass. It will take 1 hour to complete.
Professor Flitwick: Now it' your turn to give it a try.
Professor Flitwick: You're probably wondering how. I'll explain it to you. Listen closely.

You can choose rewards for reaching each of the stars, I picked the energy reward.

Professor Flitwick: Now you try it. Remember...'Lumos!'
Again, I chose the energy but you can choose anything you want.

Once this has been done, you have successfully learnt Lumos!
This is the rewards page. Here, I have been awarded Empathy points. These are usually gained by choosing empathetic answers. The up your overall empathy levels as well.
I have also levelled up.
Professor Flitwick: Well done, Mr/Miss (surname). That's the best execution of the Wand-Lighting Charm I've seen from a first-year in quite some time.
Professor Flitwick: Ten points to (house). 
Rowan: Nice work, (name)! I read everything I could find on the Wand-Lighting Charm, and yours was still better. You're a natural.
OC: Potions is next. I have a feeling Snape won't be so easy...
This is your lesson tracker where you can track which spells, flying techniques and potions you have learnt so far. It currently goes up to Year 4.
The Cure for Boils is also ready now. Potions lessons take place in the dungeons with Snape. When you get to the dungeons, Merula is tormenting Rowan.
OC: Wait is that Rowan?
Merula: Admit it!
Rowan: I can't!
Merula: Say I'm the most powerful witch at Hogwarts!
Rowan: It's logically impossible. I've made numerous lists of the most powerful witches at Hogwarts based on multiple factors.
Rowan: You're less powerful than Professor McGonagall, Professor Sprout, Madam Hooch, Madam Pomfrey, every single seventh-year...
Rowan: You're just a first-year like me!
Here you can opt for whether you want to stick up for Rowan or distract Merula. I picked 'Distract Her'.
Here you can gain Courage, Empathy and Knowledge points that will account for later on in the game.
OC: I don't know why the most powerful witch at Hogwarts would bully a first-year. Unless she's insecure...
Merula: Who do you think you are?
Rowan: (Name) is the one who should be claiming to be the best witch. Professor Flitwick said that she cast the best Wand-Lighting Charm of any first-year.
Merula: (Name)? Now I know exactly who you are... 
Merula: You're (full name). Your brother lost his mind, disgraced his house, got expelled from school, and was never heard from again.
Merula: You belong in (house - it varies if you are Slytherin. She hates you for being in Slytherin.).
OC: Who are you?
Merula: Merula Snyde. First-year Slytherin. The best witch at Hogwarts.
Merula: I overheard the professors whispering about you at the feast. I suppose you think you're better than me.
Merula: I should put you out of your misery before you ruin Hogwarts like your brother tried too.
OC: I don't want any trouble.
I picked the reason option.
OC: We can talk this out, we can be friends.
Merula: You think you're good enough to be friends with me? You really are as mad as your brother.
Professor Snape: (Surname).
Professor Snape: I knew you would be trouble.
Merula: Professor Snape!
OC: Merula was bullying my friend, Professor.
Professor Snape: Get to Potions Class. Be thankful you aren't headed to detention.
Rowan: Thanks for standing up for me, (name). I've never been very strong. Or very good at making friends.
Rowan: I'm glad that you and I are both in (house).
OC: Did you hear what Merula said? Why would the professors be talking about me?
Rowan: I don't know, but we had better get to Potions. We're in enough trouble as it is. 
Tap on the arch to begin the Potions lesson.

Tap on Snape to begin the lesson.
Professor Snape: This is your first Potions Class, and based on the bewildered looks in your eyes, this could well be your last.
Professor Snape: Unlike your other classes, this is not the place for foolish wand-waving, and intolerable screeching of mispronounced incantations.
Professor Snape: You are here to learn the subtle science and exact art of potion-making.
Professor Snape: Ensnare the senses. Bewitch the mind. Keep your mouths shut.
Professor Snape: Today you will produce a simple Cure for Boils Potion.
Professor Snape: Know that I except perfection. And there will be severe consequences for failing to meet my expectations. 
Professor Snape: Let us begin.
Merula: You think you're so special, but you are already guaranteed to fail (surname).
OC: What's that supposed to mean?
Merula: You'll see...
Rowan: Ignore her, (name). After getting reprimanded by Snape, we need to brew this potion perfectly.
You only need two stars for this one and the lesson only takes 1 hour to finish.
Professor Snape: The lesson starts.
Professor Snape: To begin to brew the Cure for Boils, your technique must be perfect. Watch me.

I picked energy, as this game uses a lot. The next part is rather difficult to demonstrate but you have to touch the dot at the right time to show you are focusing.
Professor Snape: Do not make me repeat myself. Focus!
If you focus in the lesson, then you get Knowledge points (potions).
Professor Snape: Finish your potions quickly. I want to see how poorly you executed this recipe.
This time I chose a gem to get my gem count up.
Professor Snape: I am eager to see your attempt at the Cure for Boils Potion.
This has to be done in order to finish the potion in which you are brewing.
Professor Snape: Hmm. Perhaps (surname) isn't absolutely incompetent after all...
OC: It worked! I brewed my first potion!
Rowan: Congratulations, (name). In all my research, hardly anyone ever brews this potion correctly on their first try.
OC: Wait...What's happening?
Rowan: Did you add Bulbadox Powder? From my studies, this looks like the beginnings of the explosive reaction caused by adding Bulbadox Powder...
OC: Explosive?! (Cue cauldron exploding)
Merula: Congratulations. You have cured the table of boils.
Professor Snape: You should have never been allowed inside of my classroom, (surname).
Professor Snape: You are somehow even worse than your brother.
Professor Snape: Ten points from (house)!
As you can see, the bottom option of 'It's your fault' is locked because I am not quite at level 2 of Courage yet. However, I opted for the first option, blaming it on Merula because why not.
OC: I think Merula Snyde did something to my cauldron.
Professor Snape: Take responsibility for your incompetence, (surname).
OC: I would, but Merula threatened me and my friend, and said she would do something to make sure I failed in Potions.
OC: She's threatened by me because she thinks I might be a more powerful witch.  
Professor Snape: Is this true, Miss Snyde?
Merula: Absolutely not, Professor. (Surname) is clearly just as mad as her brother. And just as driven to ruin everything in Hogwarts.
Professor Snape: You're family has represented Slytherin well, Miss Snyde. I will be watching you closely to ensure you do the same.
Rowan: You did the right choice telling him about Merula. I'm sure you would have lost more house points if you didn't.
Merula: It's only going to get worse, (surname).
Merula: You should have known that coating your cauldron with Bulbadox Powder would make your potion explode.
Merula: I certainly did.
Merula: Now there's no doubt that I'm the most important first-year, and you're nothing but a disgrace just like your brother.
Professor Snape: Dismissed. I've had enough of all of you for one day.
OC: I've lost (house) ten House Points. What's going to happen when I go back to the (house) Common Room?
And there we have it. A completed Chapter 2. Join us next time when we start looking at Chapter 3.

So until next time,
Peace Out - Geekette 

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