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Friday 1 June 2018

Hogwarts Mystery Walkthrough - Year 1, Chapter 1 - Your Journey Begins

Hogwarts Mystery Walkthrough - Year 1, Chapter 1 - Your Journey Begins
So our adventure begins, as we finally get our acceptance letter to Hogwarts. These walkthroughs will be provided through screenshots taken from within the game, along with the dialogue.

Just a heads up, I have named my character Sadie Bean but for dialogue names it will show as OC.
This is the start screen of the game.
This is the loading screen which shows while the game is loading in the background.
The first screen you get to is the character selection. You can pick to be either a witch or wizard. For the purpose of the walkthrough, I am playing as a witch.
This is the next screen which you get, which allows you to choose your face and hair.

This is the face and hair selection. You can go for a variety of colours and styles. You can also edit this as you progress through the game. Some of the styles are locked and this is because you need to level up in the game in order to access it.

Once you have finished your character selection, you can then press Ok and start in Diagon Alley.
Tap on the exclamation mark above the character to start a conversation with her. (For the purpose of you readers, I have written the dialogue down for you lot to read.)
Rowan: Hi I'm Rowan Khanna! Are you getting ready to start at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry too?
OC: Yes, but Diagon Alley is a bit confusing. I'm not sure where to start...
Rowan: I can help! I've been reading Hogwarts: A History in my anticipation of my first year, so I'm something of an expert on Hogwarts.
Rowan: You should start by finding all of the books you need at Flourish and Blotts!
Here you will find the quest book. Along the top, it shows which year and chapter you are on. Underneath is a little progress bar to help. At the moment we are on the 2nd part of a 6 part story. The next bit we need to do is get our books from Flourish and Blotts. Also all of the lessons that you need in order to complete your story is also on the quest book. These won't start until we get to Hogwarts.
Tap on the door to Flourish and Blotts to enter.
You will get a nice little animated cinematic to greet you before starting your quest for the school books.
Tap on the exclamation mark to start the quest.
At the start it gives you hints on how to collect the objects.
Here it still helps you to get the books.
Once you have finished on the first set of books swipe over the right to continue. There are three or four sets of books that you need to collect in order to complete the quest.
Once you have finished you need to go back outside and meet with Rowan.
Tap on Rowan to have another chat with her.
OC: Thanks for your help Rowan. I was able to get all of my books.
Rowan: Cool! I realised I'm so excited for Hogwarts that I forgot to ask your name...
OC: My name is (chosen name).
Rowan: Pleasure to meet you, (name).
OC: You too. I couldn't be more excited to get to Hogwarts.
Rowan: I know! I haven't stopped staring at my acceptance letter since it arrived. Can I see yours?
Rowan: I got my supplies, but my mum gave me just enough to buy something special for school.
Rowan: I want to let everyone at Hogwarts know that I'm a serious intellectual who is well on her way to becoming Head Girl.
This is the first set of options that you will be faced with as a character. There are many more to come which will up your courage, kindness and knowledge. For this option, I picked the 2nd one but there are no right answers.
OC: How about a well-made sweater?
Rowan: Great idea! I don't want to catch a cold and miss my classes.
Rowan: While I'm getting my clothes, you should get your wand from Ollivanders!
We are on part 4 of the story now.
Tap on the Ollivander's door.
Cinematic followed by how you will see the shop.
Tap on Ollivander to start the conversation with him about your wand :D
OC: I can't believe I'm really at Ollivanders. This is where everyone gets their first wand.
Ollivander: Hello...Garrick Ollivander is the name. Here to receive your first wand, yes?
Ollivander: I have just the thing. Applewood wand, dragon heartstring core, nine inches, rigid. Go on. Give it a twirl.
Note: It will not work for you, something will happen (bad).
OC: Sorry about that!
Ollivander: It's not your fault. The wand chooses the wizard, and that clearly is not the wand for you.
Ollivander: I recall your brother exploded my favourite inkpot when we tried his first wand.
OC: You knew my brother?
Ollivander: I remember every wand I've ever sold. His was maple wood, dragon heartstring core, ten inches.
Ollivander: A fine wand. Shame they snapped it in half when he was expelled.
Ollivander: I understand that he ran away from home after being expelled, and has been missing ever since.
(I opted for the top one)
OC: He loved us, and Hogwarts. I just hope he's okay...
Ollivander: Hmm...
Ollivander: Sensitivity can be a great strength. I think I have just the wand for you...
Ollivander: Acacia wand, unicorn hair core, twelve inches, pliable.
Ollivander: Splendid!
Ollivander: I'll be interested to see what path you choose...
Tap on Rowan to begin chatting to her (note that this is near the end of the chapter).
Rowan: Hey (name)!
Rowan: How do you like my sweater?
OC: It...suits you. You'll look like the smartest first-year at Hogwarts.
Rowan: It was your suggestion! I'll be coming to you for all of my future fashion advice.
Rowan: Wait! Is that an acacia wand?!
OC: ...Yes. How did you know?
Rowan: My family's tree farm supplies wood for wands and brooms.
Rowan: That's why I love staying inside and reading. It keeps me from going outside and farming.
Rowan: That, and the fact that I don't have any friends...
OC: We can be friends...
Rowan: You don't think I'm too weird. People usually think I'm weird.
OC: People say the same thing about me.
Rowan: Why would anyone say that about you?
OC: My brother is Jacob (surname).
Rowan: The same Jacob (surname) who was expelled from Hogwarts for breaking school rules in search of the fabled Cursed Vaults?!
Rowan: That was a massive story in the Daily Prophet. Everyone at school will know about that.
OC: I know. And they'll all think I'm weird.
(I picked the second one)
OC: I can stand up for myself , but I'd feel better if I knew you were on my side.
Rowan: Understood. I'll use my extensive vocabulary to verbally pummel anyone who attempts to besmirch your reputation.
OC: I'm glad we met Rowan. It will be nice to see a friendly face at school. Especially one who knows Hogwarts so well.
Rowan: Me too, (name)! See you in September on the Hogwarts Express!
That concludes our first chapter walkthrough of the Hogwarts Mystery game. Stay tuned as Chapter 2 is being released soon.

Until next time,
Peace Out - Geekette

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