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Saturday 4 April 2020

Retro Console of the Month - April 2020

Hi guys,

I'm back at it again with another blog post, sorry for the delay, it's been hectic with coronavirus going on and uni being delayed, but I promise to be a bit more active. Starting with another retro console of the month, so let's dive into it!
This month's retro console is the Nintendo Wii! This console is one of the best of it's generation for the 7th generation. The Nintendo Wii was released in 2006 as a successor to the Gamecube and to compete with the PS3 and Xbox 360. This was one of the first consoles that introduced Motion Sensors to the controller. This made it easier for the player to move around with the console able to pick up the controller. The one downside to this console was the fact that the controller (or Wii remote) needed to be recallibrated every so often. The console was discontinued in 2013, to be followed by the Wii U

Geekette's Thoughts:
This console is one of my personal favourites as I grew up playing the Wii and having the black variant of the console. I still love to play the Wii to this day, as it still works. My favourite games on the Wii were Mario Kart Wii and Coconut Mall.

That's all for today, but stay tuned for future updates!
So until next time,

Peace Out,

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