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Wednesday 16 May 2018

Retro Game of the Week - 16/05/18

Hey everyone and welcome to this weeks Retro Game of the Week. This week we will be looking at Professor Layton and the Curious Village, a DS game which was released for the Nintendo DS.
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The story of Professor Layton and the Curious Village is that Professor Layton and his apprentice Luke travel to the village of St. Mystere. They recieve a letter from the recently deceased Baron asking them to search from the Golden Apple. But they are not the only ones who are looking for the Golden Apple.

Professor Layton and the Curious Village is a puzzle-adventure game that was released in Europe in 2008 for the Nintendo DS and in Japan in 2008 for mobile devices. This was the first game released for the Professor Layton series. The game sold over 3.17 million copies overseas (not including Japan).

One of the puzzles that I remember is the fox and chicken. In order to complete this puzzle you have to move the foxes and chickens to the other side of the river. But you could not leave one chicken on their own because the fox will eat them (if there is one more fox).
Image result for puzzle fox and chicken professor layton
This game means a lot to me as it was one of the first DS games that I owned. The hardest part of this game was the different puzzles, which got harder as the game went on. I would definitely recommend this game to anyone who likes puzzle games.

So that's it for today and my next article will be a review of a new game. If anyone has any other ideas on what can be included in my blogs please feel free to let me know.
Until next time,
Peace Out - Geekette

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