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Tuesday 24 July 2018

Monday 23 July 2018

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone PS2 Gameplay Part 4 - Flying Lesson & Hagrid's Garden

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone PS2 Gameplay Part 4 - Flying Lesson & Hagrid's Garden

Here's the next part to my PS2 gameplay; with a fancy thumbnail now!:

Tuesday 17 July 2018

Hogwarts Mystery Walkthrough - Year 1 Chapter 3: Dealing with Trouble

Hogwarts Mystery Walkthrough - Year 1 Chapter 3: Dealing with Trouble
We are back again for our next dose of Hogwarts Mystery. This time we start Chapter 3; Dealing with Trouble.
As soon as we exit the Potions Room, we come across a new boy called Ben who is also in our Year, but in Gryffindor.
Ben: You're (full name), right?
OC: ...Yes. Who are you? 
Ben: Ben Copper. I'm a first-year like you. I just wanted to say thank you for standing up 
     to Merula Snyde.
OC: Who told you I did that?
Ben: I was watching from the end of the corridor.
Ben: I've been following her so she can't sneak up on me, and if she sees me, I'll at least
     have a chance to run away.
Ben: She tormented me the entire way her on the Hogwarts Express. She keeps threatening me,
     and calling me a Mudblood.
OC: I'm sorry, Ben. That's terrible.
Ben: Merula is obsessed with being the best witch in our year, and she thinks she has to
     impose her will on us to prove it.
Ben: I'm just glad someone was brave enough to stand up to her. I'm certainly not. It's a 
     joke that I got put in Gryffindor.
OC: Everyone is afraid of something, Ben.
Ben: Unfortunately, I'm afraid of everything. I come from a Muggle famil, so all of this is
     new and scary to me.
OC: I know how you feel. I come from a wizard family, and this hard for me too.
OC: I'll try to help you however I can, Ben.
Ben: Thanks, (name). I'll see you around.

House Prefect: You already lost (House) ten House Points?! We're in fourth place now. What happened?
OC: I'm sorry, but who are you, and why are you talking to me about House Points?
House Prefect: I'm your Prefect (Prefect's Full Name).
House Prefect: It's a Prefect's job to keep order in the house, and help first-years like you with their problems.
I chose the middle option, I'm sorry because I'm a good person really.
OC: I don't know what happened, but I never wanted to hurt (house)'s chance of winning the House Cup.
House Prefect: I believe you (name). I would talk to Snape if I thought it would do any good.
House Prefect: In any case, Professor Snape already sent you a letter directly to our Common Room.
OC: Why wouldn't he send it to me?
House Prefect: Probably because he despises you.
House Prefect: Snape hates everyone, so I wouldn't take it personally, but I would read that letter immediately. 
OC:'(Surname), I have discovered evidence that your potion may have indeed been tampered with.'
OC:'While it does not prove your innocence, it does cast doubt on my belief that you are hopelessly incompetent.'
OC:'Bring me a jar of Pickled Slugs from the Potions Storeroom, and  I will consider restoring your House Points. Snape'
OC: There's directions to the Potions Storeroom at the bottom of the letter...
I chose yes because I need a good friend.
OC: Thanks, Rowan. You know your way around the castle much better than me.
House Prefect: He's offering to give us back ten House Points you lost! Hurry to the Potions Storeroom before he changes his mind!
This next part of the story is going to the Potions Storeroom to collect the slugs in order to gain 10 House Points.
OC: The directions on Snape's letter say this is the Potions Storeroom.
Rowan: I always thought it was located in the Tapestry Corridor. I suppose there must be more than one..
OC: I need to find a jar of Pickled Slugs and bring them to Snape, so I can get those ten House Points back.
Your Character and Rowan then enter the Storeroom to collect the Slugs.
OC: I can't see a thing...
OC: Why did you close the door, Rowan?
Rowan: I didn't. It closed behind me as soon as I stepped inside. And I think it's locked...
Rowan: You should cast the Wand-Lighting Charm to help us see...
OC: What is that thing?!
Merula: A deadly plant called Devil's Snare. Some fourth-year Slytherins showed it to me when I first arrived.
Merula: It's sensitive to light. If you're really better at the Wand-Lighting Charm than me, escaping it should be no problem.
OC: Merula?! You locked us in here?!
Merula: Along with sending a fake letter from Snape. I told you things would only get worse for you, (Surname).
Merula: You should have never blamed me for your failure in Potions...
Merula: Something has to stop you from ruining Hogwarts. It may as well be Devil's Snare...
Rowan: (name)!
OC: We have to get out of here!
Rowan: Merula is right about Devil's Snare being sensitive to light.
Rowan: Use Lumos to hold it off while I try to open the door, and call for help.
Rowan: Help! We're trapped in here with Devil's Snare! Someone help!
This adventure lasts 8 hours and requires the player to tap on the Devil's Snare and cast lumos a couple of times on it in order to escape.
Rowan: Keep it up, (name)! I think I hear someone!
???: What's goin' on in there?
???: Outta the way!
Hagrid: Gulpin' Gargoyles, (house)! Get away from that Devil's Snare. Yer scarin' it!
OC: I'm scaring it?!
Hagrid: Let's get yeh outta here...
OC: You saved my life! Thank you, Mister...
Hagrid: Rubeus Hagrid, at yeh service. I'm Keeper of the Keys and Grounds at Hogwarts. Pleasure to meet yeh.
OC: I'm (full name).
Hagrid: Ah, yer the one everyone's been talkin' about. Maybe trouble really does run in yer family. 
Hagrid: How'd yeh end up in there, (name)?
OC: A first-year named Merula Snyde locked us inside.
I chose the 1st option because I don't want to get into anymore trouble.
OC: I'm going to tell Professor Dumbledore, and make sure she's punished.
Hagrid: Do yeh have any proof?
OC: I have a fake letter from Snape, but I can't prove she's the one who wrote it.
Hagrid: Professor Dumbledore would want to help yeh, but even he can' do anything if yeh don' have proof.
Hagrid: I'd head back to yeh Common Room, an' take some time teh think, (name). I don't want yeh doin' somethin' yeh'll regret. 
Hagrid: Yeh might also want to do somethin' about those robes. That Devil's Snare got yeh good.
OC: Thanks, Hagrid. Hopefully, I'll see you again.
Hagrid: Yeh certainly will, (name). But fer now, yeh'd better get back teh yeh Common Room.
House Prefect: Bloody Hell! What happened to your robes?
OC: I got snared by Devil's Snare.
House Prefect: Devil's Snare?! How? What happened with Professor Snape?
OC: It was a trick. Merula Snyde faked the note, and trapped me in a room with Devil's Snare.
House Prefect: What is it with you and this girl?
OC: I think she's threatened by me. And I think she hates that I'm the only first-year who's stood up to her.
House Prefect: And I take it you once again don't have any proof?
OC: I have the fake letter from Snape, but I can't prove she's the one who wrote it.
House Prefect: Well, you can't go around the castle like that. (head of house) will have a fit.
House Prefect: People already look at you like you're mad because of your brother.
House Prefect: Go and change into some fresh robes, or better yet, pick something to wear outside of class hours.

I basically didn't want to spend any money so I put on new robes (free of charge).
House Prefect: Wow! That's much better. Now you don't look like someone used you to practise the Severing Charm.
OC: Thanks, but I'm mainly just happy to be alive.
House Prefect: Well, you'd better hurry to your first Flying Class before you're expelled.
House Points: See if you can find a way to earn back House Points while you're there...
This is where the flying lessons take place. Tap on Ben to get started.
Madam Hooch: Welcome to your first Flying Class. I will be your instructor, Madam Hooch.
Madam Hooch: You'll begin by observing, before learning to summon your broom in your next Flying Class.
Madam Hooch: Well what are you waiting for? Everyone, step you to the left side of your broomstick.
Ben: I've been dreading this class all summer... 
OC: You're afraid of heights?
Ben: Falling from heights, mostly. I told you I come from a Muggle family. The idea of flying through the sky on a broom is terrifying.
OC: Believe it or not, I've never flown on a broom either. My mum was pretty strict about us using magic outside of school.
I chose the 1st option to give Ben some encouragement.
OC: You can do this, Ben. Just concentrate on the broom, and try not to think about falling.
Ben: Do you promise to catch me if I fall?
OC: I promise to try my best.
Ben: That's not very reassuring, but I suppose I have to try sooner or later...
Madam Hooch: Even you don't have anything to fear from today's lesson, Mr Copper. You will only be observing today...
Madam Hooch: Listen up, everyone. I am going to demonstrate proper broomstick techniques.
I went for the extra courage points.
You gain extra courage points if you complete the focus correctly.
Madam Hooch: Listen up, boys and girls. I am going to explain several important bits of information to you.
I went for more courage points this time.
Answer: Phoenix
Ben: I suppose I don't have to worry about falling if I never actually fly...
Ben: Thank you for helping me, (name). I may be able to fly soon if I keep following your lead.
Madam Hooch: I think you've chosen a fine tutor, Mr Copper.
Madam Hooch: Mr/Miss (surname), you appear to have a knack for helping your classmates overcome their fears.
Madam Hooch: Ten points to (house).
OC: You just need to get used to the idea of flying, Ben. I'm sure Rowan has some books about flying that we can borrow.
Ben: I do like reading books. Hardly anyone falls to their death while reading books...
OC: I've been meaning to talk to Rowan anyway. We've had a rough go of it so far, and I think she takes it harder than me.
Ben: You should ask her to play Gobstones! I'd play myself, but I'm afraid of getting sprayed...
OC: Thanks for inviting me, Rowan. After everything with Merula and Snape, I could use a break.
OC: Hogwarts shouldn't be about bullies, and barely escaping death. It should be about learning magic, and having fun.
Rowan: Wait until you play Gobstones! I play it on the farm all the time.
Rowan: Mostly because I'm not strong enough to help with the actual farming...
Rowan: It will be fun to play with an another person for once...
Rowan: Thanks for helping me adjust to things here, by the way...
OC: Of course. It's nice having a friend who understands me, and can help explain everything about Hogwarts.
Rowan: I wish I could explain why Merula is such a bully...
Rowan: I've been researching her family to understand why she acts the way she does...
OC: Let's just relax, and you can tell me what you found out about Merula while we play...
Rowan: Brilliant! Gobstones is the finest skill-testing manual dexterity game in the world!
Rowan: It's a bit like the Muggle game Marbles, except that every time a point is scored, the loser gets sprayed in the face!
OC: Sprayed with what?
Rowan: No one knows, but it smells awful!
Rowan: Good luck, (name)! The only time I ever lose at Gobstones is when I get distracted...
Pairing 1: Let's Play (name) - What are your favourite books?
Pairing 2: How do you like Gobstones? - Let's talk about Wand Wood...
Pairing 3: Let's join the Gobstones Club - Let's bunk off school...
Pairing 4: I can't believe you might win... - The library burned down.
Rowan: Good game, (name).
Rowan: Some people think Gobstones isn't cool, but I've always considered it to be the thinking witch's quidditch.
Rowan: Thanks for playing. I've never been especially good at making friends.
OC: We became friends pretty quickly...
Rowan: Yeah, but most people think I'm either a useless weakling or an awkward nerd. You're weird like me.
Rowan: No offence.
OC: I take it as a compliment.
Merula: Isn't this precious?
Merula: Hello, (surname). You are unfortunately looking well after wrestling with the Devil's Snare.
Merula: While you were off playing with plants, I've been doing a little research about your brother.
OC: Why don't you just leave me alone?
Merula: Because you are a danger to Hogwarts just like him, and none of us will be safe until you're gone.
Rowana: What are you talking about, Merula?
Merula: (surname)'s brother didn't just get expelled for endangering the entire school in search of some imaginary vaults...
Merula: He immediately went missing, and the next time he was seen, he was working for Voldemort.
Rowana: You can't say that! You have to call him He Who Must Not Be Named!
Merula: I say what I want.
OC: You're lying about my brother having anything to do with He Who Must Not Be Named.
Merula: No wonder why the professors were talking about you before the Feast.
I chose the reason with her because why not?
OC: What happened to make you so mean? Why don't you just live your own life, and leave me alone?
Merula: Why don't you just drop out of Hogwarts? Save (house) and your little friend here the embarrassment of being associated with you.
OC: You're just afraid that I'll be better than you.
I could only pick one.
OC: Lumos!
Merula: Pathetic.
Merula: Flipendo!
Merula: Learn a few more spells, (surname). Maybe next time you'll put up a fight.
Rowan: Merula is never going to leave us alone...
OC: Not unless I learn more spells, and find someone who can teach me how to duel...
Here we can view our friendship levels with the other characters in the game.
Here we can see the lessons that we have taken and the spells, potions and other magical arts that we have learnt. In order to complete Chapter 3, we need to complete the Flying Lesson.
Madame Hooch: Welcome back to Flying Class. After observing for your first lesson, I will now teach you how to summon your broom.
Madame Hooch: Before you can summon your broom, however, you need to learn how to maintain it. To your broom care stations!
Madame Hooch: It's time to practice summoning your broom. Step up, hold out your right hand, and say... up!
So that's Chapter 3 complete! Stay tuned for Chapter 4.
Until next time,
Peace Out - Geekette

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone PS2 Part 3 - Potions & Lumos Challenge

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone PS2 Part 3 - Potions & Lumos Challenge
Check out Part 3 of the Philosopher's Stone gameplay. This episode we meet the greaseball, Snape and battle the Lumos Challenge.

Monday 16 July 2018

Retro Console of the Month - July

I'm back with another retro console of the month. This long absence is due to more work that I am doing, but I will be attempting to return to a semi-normal schedule again.

The Nintendo 64, or as it was commonly known as, the N64 is the 3rd Nintendo Home console, which was released in the year 1996. The N64 was officially announced in 1994 as the 'Ultra 64'. It wasn't until 1995 when the Nintendo 64's hardware and games were officially announced. Nintendo decided to release the N64 as a competitor to the Sega Saturn and Sony's PlayStation.

Around 388 games were released for the Nintendo 64 with games such as Donkey Kong 64 and Mario Kart 64 being some of the more noticeable games. There were some games which uses high praises from the critics such as The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time using 3-D graphics to it's advantage. The games for the N64 were on the form of a cartridge, like the GameBoy games.

The child version of the game's protagonist, Link, stands in Hyrule field wearing his distinctive green tunic and pointed cap. In each corner of the screen are icons that display information to the player. In the upper left-hand corner there are hearts which represent Link's health, in the lower left-hand corner is a counter which displays the quantity of Rupees (the in-game currency) possessed by the player. There is a mini-map in the lower right-hand corner, and five icons in the upper right-hand corner, one green, one red, and three yellow, which represent the actions available to the player on the corresponding buttons of the N64 controller.

One of the more noticeable features of the Nintendo 64 is the controller for the console. The controller had 10 buttons on it and it was in the shape of an 'M'. This controller became an instant recognisable feature of the N64, which makes it a part of the legacy.
Nintendo 64 controller
The N64 was discontinued in 2002, when Nintendo released their GameCube, which took mini-DVD's instead of the Game Cartridges that the N64 used. Across the globe, 32.93 million units of the N64 were sold.

So there's today's fun facts about the N64 and stay tuned until next time.
Peace Out - Geekette